The Giveaway Culture, The Field of Plenty and the Abundance of the Universe:
As an entrepreneurial business we connect with the energies of abundance. We believe that everything that we have and continue to create has been made manifest from the World of Spirit and the Field of Plenty - which is always full of abundance . We have access to this energy through our connection to the Gift of Gratitude and a grateful heart.
There is always enough for everyone when we embrace and share in our abundance and express our gratitude to Higher Power.
We act upon ideas that are inspired in our consciousness and create learning products and material, experiences and connections that can be shared by everyone. In so doing we encourage all to develop their gifts and talents and to share those in their world from a Spirit of Abundance which is then manifested into physical reality. All gifts and talents are needed.
We embrace the energies of gratitude, trust in the Field of Plenty and take action on what has been inspired in our consciousness.
The Giveaway:
We embrace the willingness to share our gifts, talents, expertise with one another and with those whom we are called to serve - we offer our services in a manner that honors our own and the Sacredness of others. In doing so we serve with and from a joyful and grateful heart, and with humility. Every ‘gift’ given - whether a talent, service, product or experience is as a result of manifestation that has taken place from the Field of Plenty. When we give, our giving comes from the Inner state of Be-I-Ng and in so doing, we are gifted our own learning and growth.
We share what we have - our knowledge, expertise, skills and talents so that those we serve both within our business, in our community are able to expand, to grow and to tap into the Field of Plenty so that they too access their own open heart and the Spirit of gratitude.
The purpose of our Giveaways is sharing and giving without expectation. In giving what we love dearly, we create the space to receive future abundance.
Wealth is measured not merely in material forms. Our wealth is generated from our ability to assist and serve others. We do so by developing our talents, being willing to use them to and for those in need. Gifts - our own and those we offer to others should be used to their fullest potential, for our gifts, talents, Spiritual and material are gifts from Our Creator that are manifested through the Field of Plenty.
The Virtues of Giveaway:
Transcendence of self
Act and react on behalf of others
Support and serve those who need support and service from a perspective that all life is Sacred - that to sacrifice is to make Sacred, it is not about giving up
That HP exists within all creation and people
Acknowledgement that what is done for others, we do for ourselves
The Giveaway rests in enlightenment
As we receive gifts - Spiritual, material, intellectual, emotional - so we offer them in return as our Giveaway.