I Am Angela
For as long as I can remember, I have always been passionate about learning, personal development and Spiritual growth – my own and others. Throughout my life, I have been fortunate to work with men and women in facilitating learning experiences that transform people from the inside-out.
angelagailjames.com is a product of my own journey to wholeness and to living, moving and having my being in my own Truth. I claim my space, my essence that has been the holder of that gentle power that makes me, me. I offer myself to you as insightful, visionary, and creative.
I am an ardent supporter in the development of people, potential and possibility and a passionate storyteller. I have the fundamental belief in my purpose to support others in awakening to their potential and to their truth.
Over and above my training in adult learning and psychology, that I have walked the walk; have been where you are, where you are going and that equips me to be of service to you in your journey to truth. I am overjoyed and humbled that I can be companion to you in your re-awakening.
I Am Angela
Lifelong Learner, Teacher, Facilitator, Storyteller and Intuitive.
For as long as I can remember, I have always been passionate about learning, personal development and Spiritual growth – my own and others. Throughout my life, I have been fortunate to work with men and women in facilitating learning experiences that transform people from the inside-out.
angelagailjames.com is a product of my own journey to wholeness and to living, moving and having my being in my own Truth. I claim my space, my essence that has been the holder of that gentle power that makes me, me. I offer myself to you as insightful, visionary, and creative.
I am an ardent supporter in the development of people, potential and possibility and a passionate storyteller. I have the fundamental belief in my purpose to support others in awakening to their potential and to their truth.
Over and above my training in adult learning and psychology, that I have walked the walk; have been where you are, where you are going and that equips me to be of service to you in your journey to truth. I am overjoyed and humbled that I can be companion to you in your re-awakening.
Intuition, the knowing and the voice of our Soul, is a powerful instrument for any Light Worker. It is also the language of Alchemy which is key to inside out work of the Truth Seeker.
Being an Intuitive Psychic has been a fundamental skill set that I have been developing and continue to nurture as a means to assist people in their growth and development and their quest for their Truth.
It has been pivotal too in my role as a Storyteller. Most of the learning content that forms part of Light Workers Learning World has been created by myself and other contributors through our intuition and psychic abilities.
I have had the honor and privilege to serve countless clients through Intuitive Psychic Readings.
Find out more on how you can access your unique contribution to our world through a reading for yourself and or your business
To provide you with the information and feedback that you need to support you as you progress along your path and in the expression of your Truth.
My children and making a difference for them and the generations that follow
The wonder of the New Aquarian Age and connection to the World of Spirit.
The language of Alchemy, Symbols and Sacred Geometry
The tenderness, the intention, the
compassion and the beauty found in the
gentle power of the Divine Feminine.
The courage, the resilience, the clarity, the action orientation and powerful gentleness of the Sacred Masculine!
Entrepreneurial businesses who at their core are Soulpreneurs with a Social Conscience
Indigenous Cultures especially that of the Native Americans, ancient, timeless ageless wisdom.
Cultures, traditions, customs and experiences of people young and old
from around the world.
Authenticity and living from my Truth
And mostly, what blows my hair back is seeing you, tapping into your creativity, potential, the possibility of all that you are and can be
My children and making a difference for them and the generations that follow
The wonder of the New Aquarian Age and connection to the World of Spirit.
The language of Alchemy, Symbols and Sacred Geometry
The tenderness, the intention, the
compassion and the beauty found in the
gentle power of the Divine Feminine.
The courage, the resilience, the clarity, the action orientation and powerful gentleness of the Sacred Masculine!
Entrepreneurial businesses who at their core are Soulpreneurs with a Social Conscience
Indigenous Cultures especially that of the Native Americans, ancient, timeless ageless wisdom.
Cultures, traditions, customs and experiences of people young and old
from around the world.
Authenticity and living from my Truth
And mostly, what blows my hair back is seeing you, tapping into your creativity, potential, the possibility of all that you are and can be
My children and making a difference for them and the generations that follow
Authenticity and living from my Truth
What blows my hair back is seeing you, tapping into your creativity, potential, the possibility of all that you are and can be
The wonder of the New Aquarian Age and connection to the World of Spirit.
The language of Alchemy, Symbols and Sacred Geometry
Entrepreneurial businesses who at their core are Soulpreneurs with a Social Conscience
The tenderness, the intention, the
compassion and the beauty found in the
gentle power of the Divine Feminine.
The courage, the resilience, the clarity, the action orientation and powerful gentleness of the Sacred Masculine!
Indigenous Cultures especially that of the Native Americans, ancient, timeless ageless wisdom.
Cultures, traditions, customs and experiences of people young and old
from around the world.
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