Conversations That Matter Blogs

Choices Board Game

A Little Bit of History - The Choices Board Game and the Peer Educator Story

December 02, 20242 min read

Choices was created in October 2014 in response to a request from Maropeng Visitors Centre and Hotel. The Choices Board Game, a part of the full workshop is also a stand alone fun and deeply thought provoking game that has had a powerful positive impact where-ever we have facilitated the game.

As our contribution to easing the plight of unemployed youth the PE Crew programme was developed and implemented for the first time in April 2016.

A customised version of the game was featured as a part of the Nelson Mandela Centenary Year focusing on the choices made by this global icon during his lifetime. As a part of the centenary, we trained 38 Peer Educators to deliver the game and engaged over 3450 High School learners during the centenary year in playing the game.

Most notable, was the deeply profound experience at Riverlea High School on Madiba's birthday, 18 July 2018. We played the game simultaneously with 123 Grade 12 learners and the Class Leadership representatives. The noise was deafening - the experience indescribable and the result? Where the school estimated that there would be a 58% pass rate at the end of the year for the Grade 12's, a 100% pass rate was achieved. The feedback - that the game contributed in large part to the success of the learners.

And the Peer Educators involved - in most cases, we saw significant results where PE Crew members went on to full time employment; some started their own businesses and others went on to study. As with all things though, some of the PE Crew made choices that were not aligned with the Spirit of the Game and the philosophy of the initiative and by their own choice, left the programme.

COVID and the pandemic saw to it that we were not able to continue this work during and since the pandemic as the material is being adapted to the online environment as well as in face to face settings. Based on the success that we achieved with the early efforts, and as the demand again emerges for the need for initiative we are relaunching the PR Crew Choices Initiative.

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Angela James

Teacher, Storyteller and Intuitive With over 40 years in adult learning and people development, I facilitate inside-out learning to create a context that empowers others to connect to something larger than themselves, to live lives of meaning and purpose. As a lifelong lover of story, I create compelling content through the power of narrative, the language of imagery and symbols. I hold space and support others to reveal their story of purpose, meaning and the value they have to offer the world. For 15 or so years, I have served as a Spiritual Psychic by accessing my intuition and connection to Source means assist people in their growth and development and their quest for Truth.

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